What others are saying

My goal is providing customer experiences and networking relationships of excellence. Please review the following endorsements from a few of my colleagues. If you would like to include an endorsement for GRIP Dynamics LLC or myself, please include one in the contact form below.

“An Advocate for Education in the Community and a lead for Public policy. This takes someone with leadership, advocacy, and people skills mixed with public, political and organizational knowledge. She had and still has the warmest personality anyone could have. She also was glued to people by being very interested to others with so many long pauses of self to really seek to understand people. I was amazed and floored that this person really existed. What a wonderful friend and leader that we have in Sharon White.”

John Carlson

Executive Director, Transformation to Recovery

“Sharon values people and the relationships she has with them. She is personable and wants to get to know people – not just work on a project together. She is warm and caring and this adds value to the Conference Committee we are on together. Sharon is passionate about her work and cares deeply about the causes we’ve worked on together and therefore she brings that extra energy to the table which is a huge added value. She cares about the people she works with and this is shown in the way she interacts with others. When she asked how you are, she is engaged and waiting for an answer, truly wanting to check in with you. Sharon is passionate about her work and cares deeply about the causes we’ve worked on together, she brings that extra energy to the table. She is personable and wants to get to know people – not just work on a project together. She is warm and caring and this adds value to the Conference Committee we are on together as well as other ways we’ve worked together in the past.  She cares about the people she works with and this is shown in the way she interacts with others. She doesn’t just say “How are you” while continuing to focus on other tasks or keep walking by – when she asked how you are, she is engaged and waiting for an answer, truly wanting to check in with you.

Katie Bean

Director, Prevention and Advocacy Ursinus College

“I have worked in a group setting with Sharon and she brings balance to the group. She brings new, fresh ideas and suggestions about how the task can be completed. Great at brainstorming, positive and optimistic.”

April J. Rice

Chief of Staff to State Representative Margo L. Davidson

“Pure and simple, Sharon cares about people! With her warmhearted personality, strong leadership skills and advocacy initiatives, she invites a positive dialog that produces meaningful outcomes and solid solutions. Sharon is always working to advance in her knowledge, mentorship, and techniques to be the very best for the next person she meets.

She is an authentic person who strives to be a positive mentor to everyone in her orbit on a daily basis. Sharon exudes empathy and compassion, the best listener to a point of selflessness. She strives to understand and encourage individuals who are in need and looking to make a difference in their lives.

Karen A. Ash

Owner- AshLegalSearch.com

I had the privilege to work with Sharon on a group project recently. Sharon brings a high degree of emotional intelligence to the table when working 1:1 or in groups. She the ability to be constantly aware of those around her and makes sure that she advocates for those that haven’t been heard. Sharon also makes sure that she gets her voice heard and needs met as well. This is done in a respectful but powerful way. She owns her presence and ability to bring different ideas to the conversation even when others in the group are pushing hard to have their agenda obscure others. This has been evidenced in group interventions. More than once I’ve seen Sharon observe a person begin to present their ideas, the group starts to have lots of crosstalk, and that person’s voice then recedes and is lost. Sharon has politely spoken up, asks the group to hold on for a moment, and then she asks that person to please complete their thought. Whenever she has done this, the group respects and recognizes that Sharon paused the momentum in order to make sure all voices are heard.

Richard Robbing

If you would like to include an endorsement for GRIP Dynamics LLC or myself, please include one in the contact form below.

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